SWMHYMO (Stormwater Management Hydrologic Model)

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SWMHYMO version 5.5, as with many HYMO successors, is a complex hydrologic model used for the simulation and management of stormwater runoff in either small or large rural and urban area.

Using easily acquired watershed or sewershed information, SWMHYMO processes rainfall records to simulate the transformation of rainfall into surface runoff. Computed hydrographs can be routed through pipes, channels or stormwater control ponds and reservoirs. In urban area, the effective capture rates of catch basins and the effects of storage in street low points can also be simulated.

Though the application of SWMHYMO is not limited to any particular type of hydrological analysis the model will typically be used in studies for the following:

Master Drainage Plans for entire watersheds

  • Floodplain mapping studies
  • SWM studies for new developments
  • Design of dual drainage systems
  • Design and analysis of storm sewer systems
  • Design of stormwater control facilities
  • Erosion and flood control studies
  • Design and evaluation of SWM ponds
  • Hydrologic budget analysis
  • System failure analysis and evaluation of alternatives

Download SWMHYMO demo: SWMHYMO@JFSA.com

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