

  • An Error Occurred when Running SWMHYMO

    The following problem is usually resolved by installing the patch

    Shymo.xxp. see instructions below:

    That error is typical of either not having the patch installed, or perhaps not having compatibility mode setup. Please follow the following steps:

    • To run SWMHYMO v4.02 on Windows 7, please install the patch available for free. Download the folder and unzip it to extract the file (exe) this file is the Windows 7 patch. You will be replacing the .exe in your program files with this new one.
    • Make sure that SWMHYMO was installed from your installation file (Download) directly on the Windows 7 operating system.
    • To update SWMHYMO with the patch, please go to your SWMHYMO installation folder and rename the file exe to xshymo402.exe file to make a backup copy of the original.

    The file is usually found in the program files folder in Windows as such:

    C:Program Files(x86)SWMHYMO shymo402.exe

    • Then copy the patch downloaded from the website (shymo402.exe), to that same folder.

    C:Program Files(x86)SWMHYMO shymo402.exe

    SWMHYMO should now run natively on your system.

    To test it, please double-click the shell: swmhymo.exe.

    Then try to run an example file.

    When you run your updated version, your SWMHYMO models printouts (.sum and .out files) will show version 4.05.

    This is an indication that you did your update correctly.

    Some users have also needed to set the software in compatibility mode, see the following steps:

    • Change the compatibility settings for running SWMHYMO by running the SWMHYMO engine in Windows XP mode.

    ->Right-click on shymo402.exe (the new one you just copied in the Program folder as per the instructions sent with the patch)

    ->Select Properties.

    ->Select the Compatibility tab

    ->Checkmark and choose: Run this program in compatibility mode for:

    Select: “Windows XP (Service Pack 3)” from the dropdown menu

    • Change the compatibility settings for running SWMHYMO by running the SWMHYMO GUI in Windows XP mode.

    ->Right-click on SWMHYMO.exe (in the same directory)

    ->Select Properties.

    ->Select the Compatibility tab

    ->Checkmark and choose: Run this program in compatibility mode for:

    Select: “Windows XP (Service Pack 3)” from the dropdown menu

    Test SWMHYMO. If it still doesn’t work, try rebooting your computer then test SWMHYMO again.

  • Error F6414

    Changing the compatibility settings to Windows XP on the SWMHYMO.exe shell corrected the issue.

  • Runtime error 70 : permission denied

    The error you are getting appears to be related to the installation of the Service Pack 1 for Windows 7. At this point we have no solution to resolve the issue.


    However as a workaround.

    Instead of creating a new data file from the SWMHYMO menu, try to open an existing model that already runs in SWMHYMO, modify it to suit your needs and resave it under a different name. Then run it.

    A workaround we found for this error is to open an existing input file (.dat), delete the content except for the header and resave under a different name. Then you can enter all the commands you need for your project.

    One solution that worked on Win7 Enterprise.

    Copy the SWMHYMO folder and content installed in the C:Program Files(86)

    Directly to your c drive. As in C:SWMHYMO

    Then try running SWMHYMO by double-clicking SWMHYMO.exe from the copy on your C: drive.

  • Runtime error 6501

    This error is usually because the dat file input is incorrect. Check the Storm and Start command syntax and the End of file inputs in the dat file andin the separate storm file. Check that all commented lines are still commented out eg that no line return was introduced within a comment and found on its own line without a *

  • For Windows 7 enterprise 64bit

    A solution that worked was to install SWMHYMO on the C drive directly.
    And when hitting the run button, no input or output file should be open through the interface.
    Also the compatibility settings were changed to run in Windows XP mode.
    If none of the above solutions work, it is necessary to run SWMHYMO on the Windows XP virtual interface.


  • Error: File -> New -> Storm File…”Type Mismatch”

    Potential cause: date/number format (user has Window’s 8, perhaps set to French)
    Attempt to replicate the error on Windows 7 (CB Laptop) by changing the settings.

    1. Short time from h:mm tt to hh:mm tt
      1. No Bug
    2. Decimal from “.” To “,” Still works, print Storm duration as 10.00 (though MS Excel, for example, has adopted the “,” separator for decimal).
    3. Tried “ “ (space) for decimal separator (Excel accepts the format)…Storms Throws the same error as the user was experiencing, see below
      The client seems to be getting this error when using the comma separator for decimal numbers in Window’s 8, though I don’t in Windows 7.

    Interesting that Windows 7 and 10 can use the comma as a decimal separator and STORMS 2010 works, but apparently Windows 8 does not.

    Client changed settings to us “.” As the decimal separator and reports that STORMS 2010 is working correctly now.